Unfortunately, that's all the information I have at the moment.
Richard tweeted this picture today, along with a note that 20th Century Fox had a Booker movie in the works and he would be reprising the role.
I'm sure this is big news to any Grieco fan, since most encountered him for the first time as Booker and (in my view, at least), he did some of his best work in that role.
Stand by--I'll be watching out for more information and harassing Richard for details in the coming days and will share whatever I can.
I've been unforgivably delinquent in bringing you this one, which has been out for nearly a year.
The delay is especially bad in view of the fact that I've talked to writer Christopher Don about this film multiple times, through a false start and then the actual shooting. Don even talked about how he'd long wanted to work with Richard Grieco and had tailored the role for Richard.
The trailer, with its bright, sunshiny opening scenes and a bunch of pretty young people arriving for a stay in the woods brought A Cabin in the Woods to mind, but Don set me straight on that in no time. Minutes to Midnight is no parody: Don is an old school horror fan and that's the kind of film he's going to bring you.
The cast has changed a bit since the first iteration, losing Kane Hodder and gaining William Baldwin. No worries, though: the hot wrestler is still with us. And, of course, the man you're all here to read about, playing the Sheriff.
Now, after a limited theatrical release, you can pick up the movie on DVD...pretty much anywhere, including Amazon and your local Walmart.
If you don't find it on the shelf in the store, consider asking them to order it for you; maybe they'll pick up an extra copy or two when they're putting in your order.
In case you've forgotten or you missed it the first time around, here's the trailer again. Or, you could just skip right over it and let the story be a surprise when you pick up your copy.
If you're in or near Hollywood and you've been looking for an opportunity to see Dan Frank's "docu-fantasy" about absinthe, narrated by Richard Grieco, your moment has arrived.
The Green Fairy is showing from Friday, September 9 through Thursday, September 15 at the Arena Cinema in Hollywood. The Arena's scheduling is a little unusual, so be sure to check the calendar: The Green Fairy shows at a different time each day during its week-long run.
It's been a long time since I wrote about this film, so here's the trailer in case you need a refresher:
There's more to film than breaking even at the box office, right? In fact, though this movie's performance was disappointing in its day, it seems to have made an impression on a lot of young men from the era, including screenwriter Christopher Don, who went on to write a part for Richard Grieco in his upcoming horror film, Minutes to Midnight.
It apparently isn't without charm for new audiences, either, because my 20-year-old daughter (who is no Richard Grieco fan) at some point relocated that particular DVD to the shelf in her bedroom.