Monday, April 1, 2013

Booker Was Never Really My Type, Anyway

A few weeks ago, I posed the question, "Is Richard Grieco still hot in 2013?"  I asked the question because reactions on the Internet seem so widely varied, and because...let's face one in his late forties looks like Richard Grieco did in 1989.  Hell, the vast majority of men in their twenties don't come close to looking like Richard Grieco did in 1989.

I'm officially withdrawing the question.

Well, not technically. The little poll is still down there in the lower right-hand corner and you're free to respond, but I no longer consider this an opinion question.  See, yesterday I found this:

So...that settles that. 

I found this in a post from on the Huffington Post blog; it probably doesn't say anything you don't already know, but it has a couple of other nice pics I hadn't seen before (all taken by Richard's sister, Laura).

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