Monday, August 19, 2013

What's in a Name?

If you're a regular reader of this blog, you probably noticed that I changed the masthead a few days ago.

When I started blogging here back in January, it was mostly because I was sick and had a lot of time on my hands. The whole effort was a bit tongue-in-cheek, and the original title, My Love Affair with Richard Grieco, was intended to fit the humorous, slightly self-mocking tone of the blog.

Then, things changed.

In my search for blog content, I learned a lot more about Richard Grieco and his history. I took a close look at his artwork. At the same time, I was starting to feel stronger and more like myself, and one day I realized that I wasn't kidding anymore. You'll still see the occasional tongue-in-cheek post. But somewhere along the way, Richard became (in my mind) a serious contender for the subject of my next book.

Then, as I researched and wrote a bit more, the focus and format of that book crystallized in my mind, along with a title. Richard Grieco: Intersections will be the title of that book, if and when it comes to pass. I promise you, it will be nothing like the one book published about Richard, back in the Booker days.

The title fits the format I established with my first celebrity book, Rick Springfield: A Lifetime in Music--both in structure and in its multiple meanings. And, for the moment, book or no book, it much better fits the things I have to say about Richard Grieco. He, like Rick Springfield, runs much deeper than his pretty face and instant popularity led the world to believe.

The book in my head is a good one, and the popularity of this blog tells me there's an audience for it. So, Richard, if you're reading this...we really should talk.

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