Friday, January 18, 2013

Booker and Me

Since I've been sick, I've had a terrible time getting up in the morning.  Or rather, I've had a terrible time IF I get up in the morning. I can do it, but I pay for it all day.  If I sleep until I wake up naturally, I don't feel too bad.  But, of course, that creates a vicious cycle. After sleeping until mid-afternoon, I'm not exactly ready to fall asleep at 10 p.m.

It was frustrating at first, and tomorrow it will be again, because I only have one episode of 21 Jump Street left with Booker in it.

I've mentioned that I'm not big on celebrity crushes or television in general, right?  I have a graduate degree.  In this illness-induced downtime, I'm reading books about politics and economics spanning a couple of hundred years. I'm reading all of E.M. Forster's novels.  On the days I feel up to it, I'm working on a novel.

When I'm not watching 21 Jump Street, that is.

But that all ends tonight.  And I'm not buying this:


Honestly, I'm not. 

"Sure," you're probably saying, "you say that like it's a decision you made because it's a spin-off from a show that was very poorly written to begin with and spin-offs are always stupider than the original show, but we know what's really going on.  We know that you're trying to be ultra-conservative about what you spend since you haven't had any income for months and don't expect to have any any time soon, and we ALSO know that if you felt like you could in good conscience spend the money, you'd not only be ordering that show but getting that sucker shipped overnight."

But you don't know what you're talking about.  I have Amazon Prime, and I could wait for the free 2-day shipping.

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