Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Not the BEST Picture of Richard Grieco I've Ever Seen...

but it's apparently for a good cause, and I think it's kind of cool that Adrian Paul (of Highlander fame, if you haven't been paying attention to all of the AE: Apocalypse Earth posts and/or you missed the 90s) snapped the picture.

A small donation to the PEACE fund will allow you to download this "exclusive" photo.  The PEACE fund works with a variety of small charities that "make a positive difference in the lives of children." You can see the picture by following the donation link, though it's heavily watermarked. 

If Richard Grieco isn't your cup of tea (and really, why would you be here if that were the case?) there are many other celebs in the gallery.

1 comment:

  1. Oh that's a nice pic though. I saw it was a new pic of him and I got excited XD
