Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Thought It Only Fair to Share...

This evening I found a blog that, unlike most of the fan sites and blogs dedicated to Richard Grieco I've seen, has a fair amount of content. 

It's in French, so that might be a handicap if you don't read the language (happily, I read enough to have made the visit worthwhile without partaking of Google's offer to translate the pages).  However, I know that several regular visitors to this site are in France and a few others in Canada, so some of you will be able to enjoy it.

And, of course, you can always say "yes" to Google translate.

But honestly, even if you don't read French and you're not interested in the choppy translation a computer program will give you...go for the pictures.  They're broken out by decade, and the 1990-2000 period alone features 26 pages of photos.  Some of them I haven't seen, and the personal photos section ("photo perso et sa vie" for those who don't speak the language) includes a few shots that appear to be candid snaps of Grieco at work on a painting or two.

Check it out here: http://richardgrieco.blog4ever.com

The 2004-style right-click disabling that doesn't prevent image theft but does keep an honest person from opening a sub-page in a new tab is very annoying, but otherwise it was quite pleasant to browse around.

1 comment:

  1. I'd been looking around for new sites too and hadn't had much luck so yaaay XD
